Multi-factor authentication, or MFA, It’s an additional security layer that protects consumers’ online accounts and transactions against hacking and data theft. MFA requires users to identify themselves through multiple verification measures and credentials before granting them access to data or payment methods.

We plan to implement MFA in the near future.


  • better controls who has access to your files
  • increases security with third parties
  • takes away password risks
  • increases data securing

We can help you to make your account more safe!
To do that please follow the instruction:

  1. Now you need to answer the question: DO YOU HAVE INSTALLED A MULTI-FACTOR AUTHENTICATOR APP?

    1. If yes please skip to step 5
    2. If no follow the next step
  2. Think which app you prefer to use. You can use for that for example Google authenticator, Twilio authy, Microsoft authenticator, Okta.

    TIP: google authentication uses your Google account, others apps ask you about email and you need to confirm your willingness to create an account via email.

    TIP2: Twilio Authy is available also at browsers.
  3. Follow the app's instructions

  4. If you finished configuring an account it is time to add the first authenticator account:>

    1. open your installed app for MFA
    2. click “ + “ to create new account
    3. choose the “scan QR code” option
    4. scan QR code shown in your profile
    5. input your six-digit code
    6. click „Log in”